First in a weekly Q&A interview series where we speak with faith-based filmmakers about their work and the industry.
This week we catch up with producer, director, actor and screenwriter, Chris Dowling. He gave us some great advice on how to break into indie, faith-based filmmaking.
Premiered on November 12th as the first-ever Star Wars television series, The Mandalorian brings forth new stories and characters to the ever-expanding world of Star Wars. The show follows the travails of a Mandalorian, a character who struggles to find his belonging and identity to his warrior culture of Mandalore, a planet purged by the once-prosperous Galactic Empire. With the Empire destroyed at the Battle of Endor, the New Republic tries to find its footing as the galaxy is left in a period of disarray.
Born in 1892, J.R.R. Tolkien was raised Catholic from an early age, continuing his love of writing throughout his life and even in wartime. C.S. Lewis, a lay theologian who also held a deep passion for English literature, shared a friendly rivalry with Tolkien in Inklings, a writers' circle in Europe.
In the ever-growing competitive world of filmmaking, it's easy to find yourself overwhelmed by those who have better equipment or higher skill levels than you. You might ask yourself, "Where do I start? How will I get anywhere?" Chances are, anyone and everyone will give you a different answer, but if I were to put it into three words, it'd be: Just shoot something.
This week, in Part 2 of our filmmaker Q & A series, we catch up with producer/assistant director/actress Cassie Laing.
Mrs. Laing and her husband, Chason Laing, have been the team behind faith-based, independent TV series including Breakers, The Network and Wyatt’s Fort.
She gave us some great perspectives with our “Top 5 Questions” for independent, faith-based filmmakers.